Tag: Writing


Kia ora bloggers hope you had a good day today and hope your day went good so far.

This week me and my class have been learning about first person and third person. To those that don’t know what first person and third person is, First person is the narrator who wrote the story and the story was made by them, Third person is a person who writes a story based in their own point of view.

So here’s my story of Goldilocks just to let you know I haven’t finished my story yet so if you have any suggestion for me to add on my story please comet down below even if u have a questions.


My Goldilocks

I was out walking looking for berries for my pancakes. When I stumbled across

an old rustic cottage, with the door swinging open. I knocked, rat a tat tat. No one

replied. I got worried, “Who would leave the door open and not be home?

I thought to myself. I quickly entered the cottage to check everyone was okay. I know CPR.


Cautiously entering the house hearing nothing but the wind howling and the door swung open and shut, but the corner of my eye seeing a table full of lovely delightful food, It had waffles, roast chicken, ice cream, fruits in multi bowls and more delightful food slowly getting distracted as I heard a thump a massive one it sounded like someone just fell of the bed. I panicked and ran like there was something trying to kill me. Straight away I saw a child lying on the ground, my heart beating almost forgetting what I knew about CPR. As I ran up to that kid I remembered that I needed to stay calm, he had a concussion.


 I tried and tried to help him and my heart sank when I knew I couldn’t help that little boy, I couldn’t help myself but break into tears of waterfalls.As I heard his squeaky voice it hurt me the most that I wasn’t there earlier to help him through it.


Rewriting a Tale

Kia ora bloggers

Hope you had a good day today and hope your day has been good so far.

W.A.L.H.T  identify point of view.

My class and I have been trying to change a story from 3rd person / narrator to 1st person. We had to:

  • Pick a fairy tale we know so we can rewrite it.
  • Brainstorm a fairy tale from another character point of view and made it my own. I chose to do mine from Red Riding Hood view.
  • Add words to describe my character Red Riding Hood – Oldest child, lives with her mum,brave,aware not to talk to strangers.
  • Add pronouns I need to use for 1st person perspective – I, we, me, my, our
  • Check we have main events from the story and number in order to remind me to use paragraphs.
  • Then we had to write the open paragraph.

Here is my first paragraph: It’s been almost 2 years since my dad died. My mum has been trying her best to feed me and my siblings, she has also been looking after her parent’s too. Remembering the times we had with dad and all the fun we had with him. Mum used to be so happy when dad was alive and now that he’s gone she’s been depressed  a lot lately because all the frustration she’s going through with me and my siblings. My mum baked some cup cakes to give to her parent’s / My Nana and my papa. Mum put the cupcakes in the basket and also told me to walk down the hill and go to her parents house. But as I was walking down the hill I saw a garden full of flowers, wanted to grab some flowers for my grandparents. As I reached my grandparents house I stayed for a little while and I was also thinking I will spend the night at there house. 

I found it easy because ideas just kept popping up in my head but also found it hard because some of the ideas didn’t fit into the story.

Clerihew poem

Kia ora bloggers hope your doing good today and hope your day been good so far


Today me and my class were learning about clerichew poems

for those that dont know what a cherihew poem it’s a rhyming poem that only the ends matter so its called 2 a’s and 2 b but anyways a’s rhyme together but when it comes to b it only rhymes within the b sectiojn 4 sentance poem but only the ends rhymes…

But anyways if you have any question please coment down below or if you have any thing that i could work on then please coment down below to improve my learning and to improve other students learning that looks at my blog but here  goes nothing


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